Check out:
"Chemistry of Honey" from BeeLimitless.com
"Chemistry of a Lemon" from Compound Chem.com
Disney's "Honey Lemon's Chemistry Concoction", tested by Metro Detroit Mommy
Lemons and honey are a common combination throughout Asia, in large part, due to the associated health benefits of cold remedy, digestion aide, weight loss, and more. Because of their frequent use, honeyed lemons have made their way into various anime, manga, and dramas.

Honey Lemon's Honeyed Lemon Slices
2-3 Lemons (or more, depending on the size of your container), washed
1 Jar of Honey (or large squeezie bear)
Important Items:
Glass Jar, washed well in hot water OR a plastic container of your choosing.
1. Cut off & discard the ends of the lemons & then slice them into about 1/8" thick circles & remove the seeds. Layer 4 slices in the jar & then pour in enough honey to cover them. Continue to layer several lemon slices at a time, pouring in more honey every so often to cover them. Once the slices reach the top of the jar, pour in enough honey to reach the top & then press down on the slices to get rid of as much air as you can & let the honey get into all of the nooks & crannies. Close the lid tightly & shake the jar. Place in the fridge overnight. The honey will breakdown in the acid of the lemons & you'll get a wonderful, lemonade-like liquid concentrate.

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