Mochi's Mochi Cats
1/2 Cup Mochiko Sweet Rice Flour
1/2 Cup Water
3 Tbsp. Granulated Sugar
Cornstarch (for dusting)
Almond Slivers
Food Color Markers: Brown, Black, & Red or Pink
Red Bean Paste, or other filling of choice (optional)
Important Item:
Mini Cupcake Liners
1. Making the Mochi Dough: In a small heat-proof bowl stir together the rice flour, water, & sugar, until smooth. Microwave for 1 minute & stir well.& then microwave for another minute, stirring afterwards. Microwave for 1 minute more, stir, & then microwave for 30 seconds (so 1 min + 1 min + 1 min + 30 sec.). The dough should be very sticky & a little translucent. Let cool for a few minutes or so (it will be hot!). If you'd like to fill with red bean paste, take this moment to roll several bean paste balls, about a teaspoon-worth apiece.

3. Making Mochi the Cat: Once all of your mochis are made, select 2 pointy almond slivers for each mochi, & color 1 of each pair black & 1 of each pair brown. Gently stick the black ones on the left of the mochi & the brown ones on the right to become cat ears (see images for reference). Next, color the "body" of the mochi according to the color patterns shown in the images in this post (using the side of the marker tip works well OR, if you have food color gel in tiny pots, you could paint the color on with a clean, small paintbrush). Lastly, draw on a little cat face with a tiny red nose. You can also forego making cats (aw!) and simply draw on Baymax faces. Store in an airtight container on your counter, or in the freezer if you filled them with ice cream.

Mochi mochi filled with anko (sweet red bean paste).

Baymax mochi filled with vanilla ice cream.
Hairy baby!