"Ahoy, young paladins! I've whipped up a big batch of focusing food. After this meal, you'll be forming Voltron six times a movement and twice on the astral conflux."
– Coran, S1 EP2, "Voltron: Legendary Defender"

The paladins quickly dub this green fare "food goo", and it's featured heavily in the series, as it's the primary source of food in the castle-ship. We're not really sure how it's survived 10,000 years or what its makeup is, but it's supposedly very healthy, and very monotonous.
Below I give you two tasty options for this wonderful food goo! One is a quick blend with beautiful green avocado (so healthy!), and the other is a simple pudding that gets it's natural coloring from saffron and spirulina (both also very healthy ingredients! You could also use matcha green tea powder in place of both of them). Whichever version you decide to try, be sure to eat it with a spork, because all advanced societies use sporks. 😉
Below I give you two tasty options for this wonderful food goo! One is a quick blend with beautiful green avocado (so healthy!), and the other is a simple pudding that gets it's natural coloring from saffron and spirulina (both also very healthy ingredients! You could also use matcha green tea powder in place of both of them). Whichever version you decide to try, be sure to eat it with a spork, because all advanced societies use sporks. 😉
Saffron & Spirulina Pudding Food Goo
3 Egg Yolks
1 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. Cornstarch
2 Cups Whole Milk
1/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 tsp. Crumbled Saffron Threads
3/4 tsp. Spirulina Powder
Pinch Salt
1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1. In a pot on medium low, pour 1 3/4 cup of the milk & whisk in the sugar, crumbled saffron, spirulina, & pinch of salt. Let it heat through until the sugar is melted & you've got a nice light green color (this can be heating while you do the next step).
2. In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg yolks by hand or with a handheld mixer (mixer works great), until light and creamy, about 1 minute. Whisk in the cornstarch until smooth, & then whisk in the remaining 1/4 cup of the milk until fully combined.
3. While whisking, slowly pour the warm, green milk mixture into the yolk mixture. Once combined, pour the whole mixture into the pot & cook on medium high, whisking often. The mixture will bubble & begin to thicken after several minutes. Make sure you're whisking constantly at this point. Remove from the heat & pour into small serving dishes (3 little custard cups work well).
4. Lay plastic wrap directly onto the pudding & wrap each dish, & then place them in the fridge to chill for a few hours.
"Oh, I'm hungry again. I hope some food goo comes oozing out of these walls."
– Hunk, S1 EP9, "Voltron: Legendary Defender"

Avocado "Pudding" Food Goo
1 Avocado
1 Kiwi, no seeds (peel it & then cut the sides off around the seedy center)
1 Tbsp. Honey
1 Tbsp. Coconut Cream (from can of coconut milk)
Coconut Milk, till you reach desired consistency, starting at 1 tsp.
1. Simply blend everything together in a food processor, adjusting the amounts to your taste, & voila! Feel free to add in other stuff, like Greek yogurt, protein powder, what have you, but make sure it stays a vibrant green (& you can totally sub things in for the honey & coconut if you need to). Don't let this sit around, as exposed avocado doesn't last long.
1 Kiwi, no seeds (peel it & then cut the sides off around the seedy center)
1 Tbsp. Honey
1 Tbsp. Coconut Cream (from can of coconut milk)
Coconut Milk, till you reach desired consistency, starting at 1 tsp.
1. Simply blend everything together in a food processor, adjusting the amounts to your taste, & voila! Feel free to add in other stuff, like Greek yogurt, protein powder, what have you, but make sure it stays a vibrant green (& you can totally sub things in for the honey & coconut if you need to). Don't let this sit around, as exposed avocado doesn't last long.

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