(Originally posted March 2015 for Fiction Kitchen Podcast Episode 10.)

("Boys Over Flowers", Korean version, episode 7)

4 Cups Fresh Raspberries + a couple set aside for garnish
1/2 Cup + 1/4 Cup Cranberry Juice
1/2 Cup Sugar + more to taste
1 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt + a little more for garnish
Pinch of Salt
A Few Leaves Fresh Mint
Small Amount of Milk
In a blender or food processor, pulse the raspberries, 1/2 cup of cranberry juice, & 1/2 cup of sugar until the raspberries are broken down & blended but the seeds are still intact. Set a fine mesh strainer over a bowl & pour the raspberry mixture in. Use a spoon or spatula to stir the mixture around to help with the staining process. Once much of the mixture has strained through & you've got a thicker mess of seeds & pulp, pour the 1/4 cup of cranberry juice into the strainer & stir again to help get as much of the raspberry mixture out, leaving the seeds behind.
Rinse out the blender or food processor & then pour the strained contents of the bowl into it. Add the cup of yogurt & blend until thoroughly combined. If you'd like to add a little more sugar to taste, do so now. Throw away the seeds from the strainer & then rinse it out. To serve, hold the strainer over the serving bowl & pour your desired quantity of soup through the strainer & into the bowl (pouring through the strainer helps to diminish the bubbles).
To add garnish, cut 1 raspberry in half per bowl of soup (I used kitchen scissors for this) & float the 2 halves, cut sides down, in the center of the soup with 2 small, fresh mint leaves. Spoon a little bit of yogurt into a small bowl & stir in some milk, a little at a time, until you have a smooth, pipe-able consistency. Scoop this mixture into a baggie & snip off a corner to make a small opening. Pipe a design onto the surface of the soup; swirls or dashes or dots, etc., optionally using a toothpick to add details (I made a ring of dashes & gently dragged a toothpick through them to create the heart/leaf effect). Serve the soup, enjoy, and dunk your obnoxious brother's face in it!

Listen to the episode! Fiction Kitchen Episode 10: Boys Over Flowers
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