Fiction-Food Café


February 3, 2018

Brisket Sandwich | Orphan Black

(Originally published June 2015 for Fiction Kitchen Podcast Episode 16.)
       To keep her energy up from her exhausting schedule for Orphan Black, Tatiana Maslany loves to chow down between takes on the brisket sandwiches provided on set. She's mentioned brisket in several interviews and even has "Acting. Brisket" as her bio on Twitter (as of the writing of this post in 2015). Gotta love this girl.

To make the brisket sandwich: Toast a couple of brioche or ciabatta bread halves, spoon on & spread out a small mound of coleslaw (recipe below, adapted from a recipe on Southern Living) & then lay on several slices of cooked brisket (recipe below), warm or cool, slathered with a little sauce. Place the other bread half on top and you're all set!

Oven Roasted Brisket

3 lbs. Beef Brisket
1  Cup Sprite or other soda or even beer!
1 Cup Tomato Paste
2/3 Cup Brown Sugar
1/3 Cup Molasses
1/3 Cup Dijon Mustard
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
2 Tbsp. Soy Sauce
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper Powder (or more or less to taste)

Pre-heat your oven to 225ºF & place the brisket in a large roasting pan, fat side up. In a blender combine the rest of the ingredients (adjusting measurements to your taste) & then pour the mixture over the meat, making sure the top is well coated. Cover the pan & meat tightly with foil & bake for up to 3 hours or until the internal temperature reaches 190ºF. Remove from the oven & let rest until cool enough to cut off the layer of fat (if there is one).

Turn your oven to broil & transfer the meat to a foil lined baking tray & re-coat with sauce (either pour some on or brush it on). Place the meat under the broiler until the top gets darker & a little crispy. Pull it out, flip it over & coat with more sauce & broil. Remove from oven & let cool for at least 10 minutes, longer is totally fine & then slice thinly.

Pour the remaining sauce into a bowl or cup & use alongside the meat for pouring or dipping.

Apple Vinegar Coleslaw

1/2 Head Shredded Cabbage
1 Cup Grated Carrots
1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/3 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Canola Oil
2 Tbsp. Dijon Mustard
2 tsp. Dry Mustard
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Ground Black Pepper
1/4 Cup Mayonnaise (optional)

Place the chopped cabbage & carrots in a large bowl. Put the remaining ingredients in a blender & blend until well combined. Pour over the cabbage & carrots & toss to coat. Serve immediately or cover & put in the fridge for a little while for the flavors to settle.

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