Fiction-Food Café


August 21, 2018

Ecto-Cooler Sorbet | Ghostbusters

(Recipe originally published October 2016 for Fiction Kitchen Podcast episode 43: Ghostbusters)
          I grew up with the Ghostbusters animated series, and the movies too, of course (but loved the cartoon more because it was for kids and there was more to it), and really enjoyed the 2016 all-ladies reboot (especially the food references!). This sorbet is something easy I made back in 2016 to celebrate the film. Because it's still Summer I thought I'd share this throwback for kicks. ;)

Note: The recipe below was first published when Ecto-Cooler was brought back to stores in 2016 for the awesome all-ladies Ghostbuster film, but now it's gone again! This is a super easy recipe though, and one that you can substitute in another green drink like Tampico, Kool-aide, healthy green drink, etc.. You’ll need to adjust the syrup content for the recipe, which is no big deal to figure out. Simply pour your juice into a pitcher & carefully plop a hot-water rinsed fresh egg into it. Add vanilla simple syrup little by little until a nickel-sized circle of the egg’s shell can be seen floating above the surface. Remove the egg & then stir up the mixture & continue with freezing process. This is a trick from Zoe Bakes!

Ecto-Cooler Sorbet

2 Cups Hi-C Ecto-Cooler (or other green drink!)
1/2 + 2 Tbsp. Cup Vanilla Simple Syrup (see note above)

Stir together the two ingredients in a pitcher & pour into an ice cream maker. Follow the ice cream maker’s directions for sorbet (churning until frozen, about 20 minutes or so) & there you go!

If you don’t have an ice cream maker, pour the mixture into a large baking dish (like a rectangular casserole dish) lined with plastic wrap & place in the freezer. When you’re ready to serve, break the frozen sorbet into chunks & pop the pieces into a blender to make it smoother.

Serve in a pre-frozen/chilled little bowl & top with marshmallow fluff (try this Stay Puft Fluff from Carrie at Witchy Kitchen!), it makes for a really neat texture experience.

* To listen to the Fiction Kitchen Podcast episode that this recipe was originally posted for, click here*

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