Fiction-Food Café


September 5, 2018

Raspberry Cordial | Anne of Green Gables

(Originally posted September 2015 for Fiction Kitchen Podcast Episode 22: Anne of Green Gables.)
“…It begins with an ‘r’ and a ‘c’ and it’s bright red in color. I love bright red drinks, don’t you? They taste twice as good as any other color.”

–Chapter 16, Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
          You know I couldn't pass up making cordial for this book; my name is Diana after all! But this isn't what poor Diana mistakenly had three big tumblerfuls of which turned out to be three-year-old homemade currant wine. This recipe is for what the girls were supposed to have for their teatime; traditional raspberry cordial which is a sweet, syrupy, non-alcoholic drink! You can read "Diana is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results" from Anne of Green Gables here.

Raspberry Cordial

4 Cups Fresh or Frozen Raspberries (~600 g)
1 1/4 Cup Sugar
4 Cups Boiling Water
2 Lemons, juiced + 1 Lemon for Garnish, thinly sliced (optional)

Combine the berries & sugar in a large pot over medium heat & cook until the sugar is dissolved. Use a potato masher to squash the berries thoroughly until it’s like a lumpy syrup, or jam.

Place a mesh strainer over a pitcher & pour the raspberry/sugar mixture into the strainer. Stir it around to help get the juice into the pitcher. It also helps to pour a little bit of the hot water through it. Discard the seeds & pulp. Stir in the fresh lemon juice & then pour the hot water into the pitcher as well & stir.

Let the drink cool & then place it in the fridge to chill. When you serve it, you can place a thin slice of lemon in each glass, if you’d like.

Note: Original recipe from the Anne of Green Gables Cookbook by Kate McDonald.

* For more Anne of Green Gables food, try my Raspberry Layer Cake & Chocolate Caramels*

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