(Originally posted in 2015 for Fiction Kitchen Podcast Episode 21: Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.)

The sweets looked very much like square sugar lumps–except that each of them had a funny little pink face painted on one side.
“You said they were round!” said Veruca Salt.
“I never said anything of the sort,” said Mr. Wonka. “I said they looked round.”
He took a key from his pocket, and unlocked the door, and flung it open…and suddenly...at the sound of the door opening, all the rows and rows of little square sweets looked quickly round to see who was coming in.
–Chapter 23, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

1/2 Cup Ice Water
2 Packets Plain Gelatin Powder (~2 Tbsp. total)
2 Cups Granulated Sugar
1/2 Cup Water (not ice water)
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/4 tsp. Salt
White Chocolate or Bright White Candy Melts
EZ-Dipping Aide (optional)
Pink Food Marker (I used the dark pink & light pink from Americolor)
Paper Lollipop Sticks
Large Styrofoam Block w pre-poked holes
Spray an 8″ x 8″ pan lightly with non-stick spray & lay a large sheet of plastic wrap over it to line the pan. Spray the plastic (in the pan) all over & then set the pan aside until needed.
In a small bowl combine the gelatine powder & ice water & set aside for about 10 minutes to solidify.
In a large pot over medium heat combine the sugar & 1/2 cup water & cook, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves. Add the now solid gelatine & bring the mixture to a boil, until the gel dissolves completely.
Pour the mixture into a large mixing bowl, add the vanilla & salt, & mix on high for about 10 minutes, or until white & fluffy & increased in volume.
Pour the marshmallow mixture into the plastic-lined pan & spread it around evenly. Spray another large sheet of plastic wrap with non-stick spray & lay the plastic, spray side down, on top of the marshmallow mixture. Let the mixture set for about 4 hours.
Peel off the top layer of plastic wrap & lift the block of marshmallow out of the pan by lifting the corners of the bottom sheet of plastic, & sit it on a flat surface. Spray a large knife with non-stick & then cut the marshmallow into 1″ cubes.
Using a double boiler (or simply a large glass bowl situated over a simmering pot of water) melt the chocolate or candy melts. Stir in some optional E-Z Dipping Aide to make the chocolate/candy melt thinner (this is so great when you’ll be coating things like in this recipe). Turn off the heat & let the chocolate cool a little, just so it’s not piping hot. Dip the tip of one of the sticks in the melt & then gently press it into the center of one of the marshmallow squares, being careful not the push the stick all the way through. Repeat this for all of the cubes & then let the chocolate solidify (to speed this process, lay the marshmallow cubes with sticks down on a plastic-lined tray & slide the tray into the freezer for a few minutes).
Hold a marshmallow pop over the bowl of melt & spoon chocolate onto all sides, gently tapping the stick on the side of the bowl to remove the excess. Place the pop upright into the styrofoam block. Repeat this process for each marshmallow pop & then let them sit on the counter to harden.
Lay a marshmallow pop down on a cutting board or plastic or parchment paper & carefully draw on a face with the pink food marker, making sure the eyes are looking to one side. Put the pop back in the styrofoam & then repeat the face-drawing for each pop. Let them sit for a little bit & then they are ready to serve! These are great for a party or you could even give them as gifts–simply put a clear little treat bag over the marshmallow part & then tie it closed with a ribbon.

* Check out the Fandom Foodies #FFDahlicious recipe link-up hosted by Pretty Cake Machine!
Plus the previous #WonkaMonth hosted by Witchy Kitchen! *
Plus the previous #WonkaMonth hosted by Witchy Kitchen! *
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